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The biodiversity of our planet is in trouble. It’s dying out. This disaster is magnified by the fact three out of five humans (who fully depend on the variety of life) zone out when it is explained to them. How do we make people realise the importance of biodiversity, as well as their own own role in preserving it?
To motivate people to start doing something for biodiversity without loosing them while we are trying to explain it, we skip the ‘negative stuff’ and immediately offer a solution everyone can understand – make grey greener. A simple metaphor that makes biodiversity easy to grasp. Concrete, industries and cars are grey; flowers, plants and animals are green. By making grey greener, you contribute to a more biodiverse world.
Anyone can participate, as the ‘Make Grey Greener’ campaign is an umbrella for small DIY actions that increase biodiversity, as well as for the commercial partners involved in the effort. Once more grey is made green, we can turn the trend around.
To make biodiversity a priority for those who don’t quite get what it is, we conducted research which revealed just how few people understand biodiversity’s importance. Using the outcome as a reason to launch the campaign, we made sure that the visuals embody the idea that grey is boring, whereas green always scuttles, swarms and blooms. Nature never ceases to amaze us, so the animations and illustrations that make grey greener ought to do the same.
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