492 Results
How can we persuade those open to becoming an organ donor to take the effort to fill out a registration form?
Confront this group with the question ‘Are you a donor?’ and direct opportunities to register during a single week each year.
Over 3 million people in the Netherlands have registered as organ donors, but many more are needed to save the lives of people who wait for a transplant.
To turn Donorweek into a news event, celebrities kicked off the campaign with an online telethon, broadcasted live on some of the most popular websites of the Netherlands.
The online donor form was embedded right next to the telethon live streams that played on YouTube, Facebook, MSN, NU.nl and websites of various daily newspapers, bringing registration as close as possible to target audiences.
Donorweeks have resulted in hundred thousands of new donor registrations. The percentage of people who registered Yes (instead of a No) peaked towards 90%. Donorweek was awarded with an Effie effectiveness award and even a Guinness World Record.
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