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More and more people in the Netherlands know what biodiversity is about, but not that many people already know what to do about it. And the best way to do it, is doing it together. So how do we (once again) motivate all of the Netherlands to bind together and start greening up their gardens, workplaces and lives?



Society is getting a whole lot greener: we try to fly less, eat less meat, remove tiles from our gardens. The only thing lagging behind are effective ways to improve biodiversity. This campaign embraces the green wave rolling through society and makes biodiversity part of it: green is growing! So biodiversity can too!


Two campaign videos link green growth in society to the growth of green – quite literally. The mini documentaries explain more in depth what is happening in the videos: they explain three different ways in which you, together with friends, family, colleagues, your municipality or strangers, can improve local biodiversity.

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